Cheers! Mohan Pd.Sapkota
Principal Message
Aiming at literacy, awareness and empowerment of people in Madi area, Damkada School was established in 1956 A.D. and upgraded up to Higher Secondary level. Now, Damkada Higher Secondary School is a center for school level education to many children of Madanpokhara VDC and its neighbors. It offers education, Office Management and Accountancy, Computer Science, Math and Economics at Secondary level as Elective subjects, and English medium education from Grade one and Computer Science from Basic level (Grade six). There are Science, Humanities and Management streams at Higher Secondary level. We are continuously contributing blind education inclusively. Local social workers, intellectuals, teachers, students and community people and some supporters have shown a great interest in the continuous growth of this School.
Striving for producing quality students who will be a great human resource for the nation is our commitment and identification among the highly competitive and challenging environment. We are successful to produce knowledgeable, skillful and well motivated citizens for the nation.
We are grateful to our devoted and committed students, teachers and guardians who are constantly contributing to the academic excellence, sound educational environment and necessary physical infra-structure. We promise to grow as an educational hub and support the nation a little by our quality products.